
Friday, June 16, 2006

A desire of my life

"I don't want to mean something to everyone, just everything to someone."

I read that quote a few years ago and it never sat too well with me. Yes, one day I hope to mean everything to someone (well, not everything, but a lot), but I want to mean something to my other friends, in the meantime and while I'm with that special person.

Today I realized a better quote to fit my life: I want to know I mean something to those that mean something to me. I think that is why I enjoyed my friend's wedding this summer, which I was honored to be in. While I may not know how to show it, this friend has meant so much to me in the three years I have known her. From a spiritual leader and support, to a voice of reason when my head is in the clouds, she has been one amazing friend. Being a bridesmaid in her wedding let me know that I too mean something to her.

This is one of my desires in life: to know that I mean something to those that mean something to me. I know I may struggle with letting people know how much they mean to me: it is hard to express those feelings and if you can, it can be scary. But I hope that I will do my best to convey how much I care about those around me and how grateful I am from the things they have done for me, no matter how big or small.



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