
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Interesting News

I am my father's daughter. He loves to email little links to news articles he reads or the days trivia to the rest of the family. I have followed this pattern. Today, I am taking that idea and copying off of a friend. I am sharing my cool news stories with you today. Warning, they are quite random.

  • The discovery of an OLD church.
  • Arrests at a graduation... for cheering too loud. Ah, reminds me of the airhorn that went off at my graduation...indoors.
  • Ever wanted a large impact on your country? How about having your song chosen for the national anthem?
  • The Sudoku fad is growing. It's become a great time-filler for everyone, including bored jurors.
  • Have you helped the victims of the China earthquake? How would you if you were an NBA player? How about giving 2 million dollars to your home country and starting a foundation to rebuild schools? I always knew I liked Yao Ming

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At 4:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Yao Ming too! :)


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