
Friday, January 21, 2005

Basketball becomes Baseball

This story explains it all. I'm just glad I wasn't at that game! (If the link doesn't work, let me know)


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Life in a snow globe

...without all the tipping upside-down and recycling of snow. Yes, everything is now covered in snow but it has gotten beyond the point of looking pretty. It's all white, with a few brown branches of trees (those that remain standing after our ice storm a few weeks ago). But it's snowing...por eso, quiero hablar en espanol. No se por que, pero me gusta hablar en espanol cuando esta neivando. Buenos dias!

P.S. The answer to my puzzle of the day is...20. Still time to win a prize if you can guess what the pattern is.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Puzzle of the Day

Guess the next number in the pattern. And, if you want a challenge, name what the pattern is of.

33,37,36,39,37,43,64,57, ___

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Chivalry ain't dead

A door held open extra long, a quickened pace to reach the door first, walking someone back to their dorm...It's just a little bit of effort that is so appreciated. I just wanna say thank you to all the young men who keep a bit of chivalry alive. Thank you; your deeds are noticed and admired.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

What can I do?

The recent tsunami disaster has been...a disaster. Yet it is nice to see many people finding ways to give money to help. But the other day on the radio, I heard something that disturbed me. The dj said something like this: "I have been praying for those affected, but it's nice that we now have a way to really help, like the Red Cross." I wasn't shocked, since it was a secular station, yet I was still mad/ disturbed. I don't know who he was praying to, but I know that my prayers are more powerful than my money.

It's really sad to think that this is the view that most people have of prayer. They'll "think about" those affected with concern and maybe sadness, but they think that those "prayers" are just a nice gesture that does no good. And according to that definition of "prayer", that is true. But real prayer, to the one true God, is so powerful. It goes beyond ourselves and feeling bad for people to calling on the Almighty for His help and healing.

I guess more than anything, I am upset that most people think of prayers as I first defined it and therefore make it sound as if our prayers are just as worthless. But we have powerful prayer, they have pity prayers. There is a big difference.

If you ever feel like you have nothing to give or no way of helping, remember: real, powerful prayers are the best way you can help anyone.


Monday, January 10, 2005

Monday, July 22, 2080

According to The Death Clock, this is the date of my death. Please put this on your calender so you can attend my funeral. And don't forget to check it out yourself.