
Sunday, February 20, 2005

Only God

Only God could make and maintain such a place as Taylor University.
Only God could place people in the right dorm.
Only God could use those around us to teach us and grow us.
Only God could let people change their plans for an evening.
Only God could let the movie speak to those watching.
Only God could make someone switch cars for the ride home.
Only God could lead the conversation to where He wanted it.
Only God could open hearts.
Only God could deepen friendships through a story of someone's past.
Only God could put a car in front to make us go speed limit.
Only God could give us the best spot in the lot.
Only God has a good plan, that we can't see, except for what He chooses to show us.
Only God. Lord, I praise You for tonight!!


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

My town

So, I was wandering around the internet and found a very informative page about my home town of Findlay, OH from the 2000 census. Some of the interesting facts that I saw were as follows:

  • Population (year 2000): 38,967
  • Land area: 17.2 square miles
  • Races in Findlay:
    * White Non-Hispanic (91.8%)
    * Hispanic (3.9%)
    * Other race (1.7%)
    * Black (1.4%)
    * Two or more races (1.3%)
    * Japanese (0.7%)
    * American Indian (0.5%)

Yes, I come from a big diverse town (ha). And you know, my school isn't much better:

  • Enrollment: 1,872
  • Land area: 250 acres
  • Races at Taylor University:
    * Caucasian (95%)
    * Hispanic (1%)
    * African American (2%)
    * Asian (2%)
    * American Indian (0%)

Now, this should be reason enough for me to want to get out of here and head to Denver!!

The best two hours of my life

Ok, so not my life, maybe semester. No, wait, broomball was great. Anyway, I had a great two hours this evening. I generally don't go to concerts and the things that the councils here at school put together. But a few days ago, I got an e-mail about this concert with Scratch Track: an acoustic hip/hop soul group. As a big fan of acoustic music and hip-hop, I was excited. I listened to a few of the samples online and I fell more in love with their music.

So I was very excited when I had free time; what seems like the first bit of time since the semester began (though I know that's not true). Anyway, the concert was awesome; these guys are great. I ended up buying two CD's; a total of 30 songs for $20. But best of all, I did nothing but listen to sweet music for two whole hours. It was a great break to my week and crazy life.

Now back to the busyness. Lord, give me strength.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Wanted: A real friend

I just finished reading my friend's blog and I totally agree. We are relational people who long for good friends; those we can trust, be real with, find support and guidance, and tackle tough issues with. You would think that a Christian community would be the place to find a friend or two like that. Yet in my year and half here at Taylor, I have struggled to find someone to be real around. Now I have good friends, but not any really close ones.

A possible reason I see is that we are afraid of being judged; that others may not see us as "as good of a Christian" or "not as Godly". It is sad if this is true. Yet, I do not know what the reason is. I'm just confused as to why at this school, known for its great student community, am I not able to find someone I can trust and be real with.

"Two are better than one...If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up." ~ Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
