
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Trials, part 2

It is so funny how, in this life, the things of God seem so unstable in our lives. The peace of God, the faith we have in Him and His will, and our love for Him, all tend to come and go, sometimes on a daily basis. Yesterday when I posted, I felt God's comfort and love so strongly. Yet today, when my situation changes a bit, the pain comes rushing back in and finding that comfort and peace is hard.

It is such a struggle to live constantly in God in this world. We are humans, and not to use that as an excuse, but there are so many things that keep us from the things of God. There is this sinful world and our desires for things of this earth.

But one thing I can say, no matter how strong the pain gets or how many tears come to my eyes, I know that God is still there. I may not be able to feel Him as closely and the anger may outweight the comfort, but He is still there. And that's what makes me different than others. Look beyond the pain and hurt and the emotions inside of me right now and you will see this: a firm foundation which is God- His love, comfort, peace and....Him, the I AM.

That is what keeps me going, though the pain remains. He keeps His promises; He never leaves; He is the one I should hold on to!

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
is laid for your faith in his excellent word!
What more can he say than to you he hath said,
to you that for refuge to Jesus have fled?

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