Last full day in the USA
Yes, today is my last full day in the states. Tomorrow at 6pm I will board a bus and head up to camp in Missanabie, Ontario, Canada (a little bit north of Wawa on the map). Training will continue for another week before camp actually starts. I can't believe it is almost here.
I'm trying to have as few expectations as possible, since some of the things I already assumed are wrong. But I am excited to see how God will use and grow me this summer. I found my theme verse a few weeks ago in church. "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God." 2 Corinthians 3:5. I feel so incompetent and unable to face the job ahead of me. But I know God has called me here and placed me here for His plan. He is the one that will help me and He is the one that will be doing my job.
It is with this confidence that I am excited for this summer. If you would like to receive email updates, leave a note with your email address and I'll add you to my list. Bye for now!